Life is All About Change
It is how you look at change and cope with change that determines how happy you are. You need to take each change head-on and crush it to make the most of every situation.
The SWEETman Life is all about coping with change. Illness, injury, kids, aging parents, career changes; we’ve faced them all and lived to tell the tale. The tools, tips and hacks are all hard learned solutions, tested under the greatest pressure and stress.
Our greatest strength is resilience, and it can be yours as well. Resilience is a skill that is developed, not an innate quality. You can develop resilience and handle the changes in your life better and find more happiness as a result.
“The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change” – Heraclitus

The SWEETman Life is about resilience and coping with change in three critical areas: Wellness & Recuperation, Family & Home and Happiness & Mindset.
Resilience is Your Best Tool
After a major life change, good or bad, nothing is ever the same again. It is the beginning of a whole new chapter in your life that could lead to the best things to ever happen to you. Or it could leave you stuck in an endless cycle of regrets and self doubt. You choose your own path.
You need to embrace your new normal to find happiness. The tools you need to survive and thrive are here along with all the inspiration to help you move forward.
Necessity – The Mother of Invention
Creative hacks allowed me to raise a toddler from a wheelchair and run a home from a sick-bed. All while helping care for my aging parents and learning to walk again. A positive attitude can be infectious and a smile and kind word can go a very long way.
Change comes in all shapes and sizes, but supporting a changing family and ongoing health and fitness challenges is our focus: Wellness & Recuperation, Family & Home, Happiness & Mindset. These three areas have always been the foundation upon which everything else rests. Anybody can use these tools, to master their mess and their chaos. And to help develop their resilience and a positive mindset. Don’t just live your life; enjoy it!