
Your Guide to Taking Prescription Drugs
Taking prescription drugs is simple right? Just take them as prescribed, and everything should be fine. If only it were so. Making sure you take your medications properly can be a hard habit to get into. Taking new prescriptions can get very complicated. And depending...

Keeping Your Busy Family Organized – Ready…5…4..3..2.1
Is family organization a myth, like unicorns? Or are organizational skills something people are born with, like red hair? Neither, anybody can do this, even me. Having a busy family can be chaos at the best of times, but when you have kids, pets, aging parents and...
Hospitals & Doctors
3 Important Lessons From A Great Doctor
Dr. Salter was my orthopedic surgeon, and a very special man. He set my expectations for what it means to be a patient, and what it should mean to be a doctor. It probably seems strange to love and admire a man I barely knew, but many of his patients will understand....
Demystifying The Pain Scale
Ever go to the hospital and they ask you to rate your pain on a scale of 1-10? That is an example of the pain scale at work. This is common practice throughout the medical community to assess pain in patients. There is a lot of debate among practitioners about these...
Surgery – Common Questions and Fears
Surgery can be daunting. We all get scared, even if we've been through it before. Getting some advance information and preparing yourself will make it easier. Based on my research, these are the most common questions and fears that people have. I hope that eventually...
Caregiving & Friendship
Visit A Sick Friend
What do you do when you visit a sick friend? When your friend or loved one is sick or injured, either at the hospital or at home, visiting is important. But it can be awkward and uncomfortable. Rest and recuperation can be depressing. Once you've marathon watched a...
Taking Someone To The Doctor
If have an intimidating medical appointment, it is always wise to take a loved one. When you are in pain or worried, you miss stuff. You forget details. You start thinking about the ramifications of one statement and miss the next 3. Having a backup with you is great...
What I Didn’t Know About Pain Until It Was Gone
Everyone has heard the analogy of the frog in boiling water. I don't know how true it is, but I use it a lot. Especially to describe chronic pain. If you drop a frog in boiling water, he will jump out because it feels hot, but if you put him in cold water and heat it...
Rest & Recuperation
Your Guide to Taking Prescription Drugs
Taking prescription drugs is simple right? Just take them as prescribed, and everything should be fine. If only it were so. Making sure you take your medications properly can be a hard habit to get into. Taking new prescriptions can get very complicated. And depending...
How to Buy & Customize Crutches
You need crutches and want to know where to start? If you are recuperating from injury or surgery, and need them for a couple of weeks or months, you want to make the right choice without breaking the bank. Crutches are not all the same and choosing wisely will make...
Setting Recuperation Goals
I have recuperated from surgeries and illnesses a lot, and when people hear my medical history they often say: How do you do it!?! Everybody who has been through it knows the answers. But, we are never sure whether people really want to know or are just looking for...
Happiness & Resilience
Creative & Mobile Home Office Ideas
Working from home is a challenge. It can be wonderful and freeing, but it can also be isolating and stressful. Much of my experience working from home has not been by choice, but for health reasons. Most of the information I find about home offices don't apply to me...
How to be Happy by Living Life Backwards
I just had a wonderful visit with an old friend and realized that life is pretty great. I forget that sometimes, don't you? Everybody is trying to figure out how to be happy, or to find happiness. I found it by Living Life Backwards. Is finding happiness possible or a...
Your Happy List – Staying Positive During Recuperation
When things in my life get a little dark, working on my Happy List keeps me going, even on my worst day. It is my source of inspiration and motivation. It goes everywhere with me; is the source of my positive attitude and gets me out of bed in the morning. It...
Family & Home
Keeping Your Busy Family Organized – Ready…5…4..3..2.1
Is family organization a myth, like unicorns? Or are organizational skills something people are born with, like red hair? Neither, anybody can do this, even me. Having a busy family can be chaos at the best of times, but when you have kids, pets, aging parents and...
How To: Personal Assistant for the Working Mom
This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase from these links, I will get a small commission. As an average working mom, I never saw myself as someone with a personal assistant, but I have learned a lot since then. Welcome to the world of personal...
5 Bad Excuses for Doing Everything Yourself
There are not enough hours in a day. And there never will be. You're coming home from work, a million thoughts bouncing around in your head. That meeting with your boss in the morning, the emails you need to reply to, and that phone call you've been avoiding. But this...
Love Spring Cleaning At Last
Every post-holiday brings with it a desire to clear the decks and start fresh. They generate so much clutter. The front hall is piled in bags of old wrapping paper and suitcases, the living room is half consumed by decorations and the dust is piling up, and the...
Time Management’s Top 5
Nobody has enough time. It's not a new problem, but it is getting worse all the time. Every day our expected workload increases. More work with fewer staff, longer commutes, and gone are the days of admins and secretaries. 24 hour communication, endless emails and...
5 1/2 Step Meal Planning Guide
Meal time can be a pain, trying to please everyone; is there a better example of perfection being the enemy? Too often, you get overwhelmed by the planning, making it very difficult to ever accomplish anything, and so you end up ordering pizza, again. Break the cycle...